Reenact iconic training scenes on planet Dagobah with LEGO® Star Wars 75208 Yoda’s Hut. This feature-packed set includes Yoda’s swamp home with foldout training sections, from where Luke can balance boxes and stand on one arm to demonstrate his fledgling Jedi powers. There's also a Force jump function that can be attached to the front or back of the model. Jump Luke from the roof and swing from the ‘vine' with Yoda on his back. Inside, there's a folding bed, fireplace, a selection of food and furnishing elements, plus a secret compartment under the floor. There’s even a window at the side so R2-D2 can peer in! This feature-laden Star Wars playset includes 2 minifigures.Includes Yoda and Luke Skywalker minifigures plus an R2-D2 figure.Features foldout training sections, a detachable Force jump function, rooftop ‘vine’ swing function and a detailed interior including folding bed, fireplace, food and furnishing elements, and a secret underfloor compartment.Carry Yoda on Luke's back as he trains.Balance boxes, stand on one arm, pull a cool Force jump and swing from the ‘vine' like a true Jedi!Weapons include Yoda's staff and Luke's Lightsaber.Accessory elements include a carrot, frying pan, bottle and a snake.Measures over 4” (11cm) high, 9” (25cm) long and 4” (11cm) wide.
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